Imagination is Key to Living a Vibrant and Creative Life

by | Creativity Is

You have a spectrum of skills that fall under “creativity.”

— everything from cooking a dish to composing a unique piece of writing or building a shelf from reclaimed wood is considered creativity. — — Rearrange your furniture this week!

Your creative outlets minimize stress, anxiety, and negative emotions, keeping you young at heart and allowing you to live a longer, healthier life.

Living to 80 and beyond (Octogenarians) will allow you to pursue new activities, such as further education, a long-neglected hobby, or a new profession.

Unfortunately, as you cope with pesky aging health issues, your brain changes, and your mental capability declines. (trust me, I know)

A Good Imagination Will Help You Live a Longer Life

Still, a creative outlet like writing, photography or playing with your new drone off a sailboat can slow your decline.

Scientists have found that a good imagination uses a variety of neural networks in the brain, helping you stay active and healthy as you age.

Believe that at 90, you will still be as creative as fu*k

Refrain from downplaying how crucial and advantageous creativity and psychological plasticity are to age well.

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What's The Real Difference Between a Creative LIFE and a Mediocre One?

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