I asked my parents’ souls to send me a sign forgiving me for converting from Christianity to Islam.

by | Featured Poetic Beliefs

Md Daniel-Ibrahim Shikder-Trepanier (2023) ~ Photo Credit Daniel~Ibrahim

My father’s angel laughed saying, “Both names are the same in one.”

My mother beamed approvingly, hinting I was on the same path to paradise.

“As a child, we raised you a Christian, but in your elder years. Others helped you discover Islam, and for this, we are grateful, my son! We await your arrival when the time is right.”

I rolled over into my fluffy pillow and cried a son’s tear of joy.

– Daniel-Ibrahim (2023)

Converting to Islam is a sensitive topic.

One morning, I wrote this, taking a risk that someone in my family may interpret it negatively.

However, it was written with total respect for all perspectives, including those that may differ from mine.

Don’t be afraid to express yourself without fear of what others may think of your creative writing.

Your freedom of expression is a powerful tool, and I refrain from forcing anyone to read or watch my work.

I don’t put my ‘stuff’ out there looking for any form of validation, but rather to share my thoughts and feelings and to CREATE.

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