Is he Retarded – Little Edouard Tales 

by | Edouard Tales, Fiction

At age seven, Edouard’s school principal told his parents something was wrong with their little awkward boy.

“Eduard needs to be tested,”  they said. “We think he has a below-average IQ and learning disability.” 

Edouard knew he was not stupid but different, and he wondered why people did not understand him and why school was so wrong. He was just being himself.

At seven years old, Edouard was admitted to hospital for what he was told would be a simple operation to remove tonsils.

But what was supposed to be a routine stay covertly turned into a few weeks of cognitive assessments and then tonsil surgery.

His parents never explained why all the weird tests. Confused, he wondered what wires glued to his skull and being shoved into a machine had to do with a sore throat.

Edouard found the eccentric-looking doctors in white coats amusing. He turned everything into a game, aced the answers and giggled at all the attention.

It is commonly accepted in clinical neuropsychology that assessing cognitive strengths and weaknesses is helpful for children with perceived learning and attention developmental disorders.

This labelling was the doing of his impatient teachers, and his parents bought into it ‘hook, line, and sinker.’  Ma and Pa had no idea of Edouard’s hell at school or how his brain worked.  

The labelling adults in the room wanted to identify if Edouard’s brain functions were contributing to his problems at school and in other areas of adaptation. 

They aimed to match his strengths and weaknesses to some treatment and identify (if at all) whether he had neurological and psychiatric problems or a learning disability.  — what a load of crap! 

“Did Edouard” really have a learning disability?” his loving parents asked.

In retrospect, no one thought to ask if the lousy learning environment, bullying, allergies, or high intelligence contributed to Edouard’s problems.

The Bedtime Mattress Sandwich Game -- Little Edouard Tales

The system could not accommodate his creative talent and learning style back then.

His parents tried to understand ‘why’ their son was having problems in school, but he was too shy and embarrassed to talk about it.

The men in white coats explored all the thinking skills needed to perform well in and outside school, such as memory, attention, and problem-solving. 

Little did they express that IQ, Emotional Intelligence, and aptitude scores do not represent a child’s capacity to learn or that any child with a learning disability is simply more challenging to teach—not unable to understand. Learning differently is not necessarily an individual’s disability. 

Edouard quickly became frustrated and disengaged, feeling overwhelmed and unsupported by a system that could not keep up with his quirkiness.

The more progressive adults of that time believed that understanding his specific thinking strengths and weaknesses might help his parents and teachers focus on an alternative learning environment better suited to his unique learning style and preferences.  

Adults needed to get to know Edouard better as a whole person by tailoring their teaching approach to meet his intelligence and creative needs. He preferred visual aids and hands-on activities and responded better to more respectful and less fear-based verbal and visual instruction.

There’s an old saying, ‘If the student hasn’t learned, the teacher hasn’t taught.’. Hence, his teachers struggled to maintain order as Edouard grew to rebel against traditional norms in favour of self-expression and personal freedom. These traits would serve him well later in life. 

Edouard would later come to discover that he had no cognitive deficiency or learning disability. In fact, he was more the victim of a dysfunctional school system. 

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