The Bedtime Mattress Sandwich Game — Little Edouard Tales
Tiny Edouard loved sneaking out of bed soon after Ma tucked him in, kissed his cheek, and turned off the light.
He was barely tall enough to touch the floor. Belly squirming between the boxspring and the top mattress once the coast was clear.
He looked like a footlong human hotdog in a six-inch bun, with tiny toes freely wiggling out one side, protected by foam density. He thought the thin blanket his mother quilted him last Christmas did not cut the mustard.
Belly-down mattress spooning was a daring game of ‘why not?’ I’ve invented a new way for humans to sleep.
Eventually, he crawled out from his homemade sandwich, satisfied he had created a new routine and challenged his mommy. “I’ll wait here until she catches me in the act,” he thought.
The first time Edouard turned himself into a hotdog, Ma panicked, wondering how he had disappeared so fast. Was he abducted, or did he run away from home?
Further inspection of his camel-humped mattress revealed Edouard’s new quirky bedtime routine. Almost giggling in amusement, Ma prompted her little boy to sleep correctly, pulled him out and re-tucked him in topside.
She enjoyed his bedtime quirks. Plus, she had a new story to share with the company.
Ma knew that by fussing, her little creative boy discovered a way to get extra goodnight kisses and more attention than his siblings.
This game of “I know I’ll get in trouble, but do it anyway” lasted only a few weeks. By then, Edouard found another quirk to amuse himself and taunt Ma as any crafty five-year-old boy could.
Follow Daniel~Ibrahim (IbaDan Creative)
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