When Your Pet Dog Dies, it’s Like Losing a Child. Why You Don’t Ever Want to Know

by | Creativity In Action, Medium, Substack

Meet Luna, my brother’s lovely new puppy! ~ Photo Credit 
Daniel & Ibrahim

Pets are a massive investment in time, love and money — then they die! ~ IbraDanCreative GetOut! Stories

Perhaps my hesitation lies in fear of getting so emotionally close to a dedicated servant only to suffer the gut-wrenching sense of loss when they croak before your very eyes.

I crave a dog, but truth be told, I’m chicken shit to dive in and assume the responsibility. Perhaps that’s also why I’ve never had kids. So — am I a selfish person?

Getting my very own new puppy is definitely on my to-do before-I-die list. But I’ve got to get the timing right, so we can both die around the same period. (fuck I really am selfish — eh!)

If I plan (as if I have a choice) to die at, say … 90, and the average life expectancy of a dog is 11 years (according to Siri), Then I should get my four-legged friend in September 2039 — my 79th birthday.

What a great way to force me out of bed and take my daily walks before napping together.

Let’s get serious — I’m toying with you now (although my logic has some merit).

Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. — as the authorless proverb goes.

Closing your heart to love because of a fear of losing your lovi is an immature misguided approach to life. — don’t you agree?

To me, dogs are like children. — — No, in fact, they ARE children. ~ Photo Credit 
Daniel & Ibrahim

A dog bit me once

I was bitten on the kneecap as a teenager while selling chocolate bars door to door for a school fundraiser. So I’m suspicious of unknown pooches.

Sadly most can sense my apprehension, which makes matters worse. I’m that guy that looks the other way or crosses the street when a big ass mutt comes walking my path. But once we both know whether we’re mutual friends or foes — it’s game on!

You either love dogs, which MUST be a part of your life, or you’re indifferent to them (whatever) or hate them. Yes, I know hate is a strong word, but I know a guy who hates dogs.

In his third-world country, they are wild, dangerous, disease-infested nuisances that eventually rot along the roadside — that’s his context, and I respect that!

So I get to experience the joy of dog ownership, but make no mistake, he deals with it when they barf or shit on the kitchen floor. ~ Photo Credit Daniel & Ibrahim

As I write this, I’m embarrassed to realize that I may not be alpha enough to own a dog! For sure, they’d have me wrapped around their little paws.

So instead, I’m all alpha regarding my work and how I live my life. But, in intimate relationships, I become super submissive by default (don’t tell anyone) — a good trait (if you find a suitable mate) and a conversation for another time.

Being a dominant dog owner (a must) requires developing my not-so-innate ability to dominate. That’s probably why I’ve been making excuses not to get one all my life.

(Wow, I just saved $100 in therapy journaling)

Call me old fashioned, but at my age, it’s not easy to switch alpha/omega gears (unless, of course, you’ve severely pissed me off). What’s the saying ….. you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

To me, dogs are like children. — — No, in fact, they ARE children.

That may be why I’ve never had kids, partly because I refuse to grow up. — but I digress.

Dogs own your ass more than you own theirs (a prison guard once told me — — wink wink) ~ Photo Credit Daniel & Ibrahim

I get that sometimes little munchkins start as an oopsie accident because you could not contain yourself one frisky weekend shag when you were both in love, lust or whatever label you want to attach to what you do between the sheets.

In the case of tail-waggers — should you have naively visited the puppy farm and held pure love in your arms for a few minutes? — don’t make eye contact or let them lick your face, or you’ll get possessed (by them). — hook, line and sinker. — you’re committed at that point!

Dogs own your ass more than you own theirs (a prison guard once told me — — wink wink)

Still, the unpredictability, sacrifice, and neverending focus on your new dependent makes you wonder if you have it in you to go another round after the last one croaked (I’m talking about the dog)

So forget for a moment thinking about the financial or emotional burdens that await you, for if you do, you’ll curl up in a fetal position on the bathroom floor, wimping at the prospect of never retiring, paying off the credit cards or taking that second honeymoon trip with your lovi.

Remember, there’s no worse pain than that of a broken heart or empty soul.

Parenting (so I’m told) is a 24/7 rest-of-your-life commitment. My biggest worry is that I have overwatered one of my plants or that there’s a tiny hole in my sock — again, I digress.

Would you have a kid if you knew they would die unexpectedly or be euthanized at around 15? — so then, why a dog? — just curious…..

“Hey kids, we have to take your little brother to the doc in an hour and have him put down….. yea, I know it’s sudden, and you’re doing a double shift, but it can’t wait, so put your big girl pants on and stop crying in front of your boss. And yes, we’ll get an impression of their little digits so you can hang them on the Christmas tree this year.”

Oh, and do you want us to spread the ashes in the back garden next to the shed, or will the park do it? — — What the fuck, people!!!

I’ve made my point with lots of love, respect and humour!



Daniel and Ibrahim’s candid, witty, inspired writing to explore ‘what-if’ storytelling on love, life, and creativity by a younger-older, eastern-western same-orientation couple often through an
Islamic Lens


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I’m a mushy closet dog lover who envies any dog owner, often wondering how they do it — the commitment, vulnerability, expense and joy.

Luna loves it when I visit because I give her all the attention, playtime, rubs and affection she and I desire. ~ Photo Credit 
Daniel & Ibrahim

My bro’s the bigger man.

In contrast to me, my brothers always had dogs. He can’t live without fussing over his furry friends. So he gets another puppy within a month after the last one dies (typically of old age or genetic disorder).

Often a rescue or runt of the litter — no questions asked. I envy his courage.

His dogs love it when I visit because I give them all the attention, playtime, rubs and affection they and I desire. So I get to experience the joy of dog ownership, but make no mistake, he deals with it when they barf or shit on the kitchen floor.

I don’t discipline them, pay the vet bills or worry about anything other than being fully present with their souls and playing in the muck.

I’ll even piss on the same tree in the yard to feel extra connected.

In the case of tail-waggers — should you have naively visited the new puppy, a farm hand asked you to hold for a few minutes? ~ Photo Credit 
Daniel & Ibrahim

I was attacked by fear.

Once in Brazil, I was walking along the ocean at 5 am when a pack of wild dogs suddenly came after me. I ran into the waves up to my waist, holding my iPhone well above my head, screaming in fear like a white nelly.

I walked the shoreline waist-deep for over half an hour, hoping they would go away. Instead, they followed me for a good mile before giving up. I pissed myself twice.

The next day the same vicious pack came at me, but this time I thought I’d go all alpha male on them by screaming and splashing water (not like a nelly). Again no luck as more flea bags joined in the hunt for my blood.

On day three, I was determined to pass their turf without incident. Along my way, I noticed an older man speed-walking in his speedo (woof) past the dogs without incident.

Despite them trying to nip his toes, trip him up and sniff his heels, he ignored them, and they moved in search of another human toy.

Aha, a clue, I thought…..

Could they be curious, not vicious? So this time, only ankle deep as they barkingly came at me, I splashed water in their faces and uttered — — good doogie…. good doggie, and they splashed back.


I read the little bastards wrong!

It’s amazing how getting bit by a Weiner dog selling chocolate door-to-door 45 years earlier can reinforce your fear of the unknown.

Don’t make eye contact or let them lick your face, or you are possessed (by them). — hook, line and sinker. — — it’s yours at that point! ~ Photo Credit Daniel & Ibrahim

When they are someone else’s…

The beauty of loving and visiting my nieces and nephews is that I get to entertain them (or be entertained) at my convenience, hang out with them, and sometimes observe in amazement the sheer wonder and stupidity of their behaviour. — — and then I get to fuck off back to my mancave before the going gets rough.

So my commitment (said the selfish turd) extends to the magnitude of how much beer is left in my glass before the last subway runs.

They can simultaneously be a bundle of pure joy AND raw aggravation wrapped in a blanket of surprise expenses and sleepless nights.

One moment, they melt your heart as you instinctively jump in front of a bus to save their life. Then, in the next instance, you wonder for a split second if you can get away (just this once) by whacking them across the head with a kitchen spoon (not recommended).

They give your life extra meaning as you wipe their latest Picasso poop from your hands while trying to make Sunday dinner.

Or you gag as they barf an alien on your favourite shirt minutes before you leave the house for a job interview. — — need I go on?

I’m afraid to have a dog! …Why?

Dogs are like accidentally having that ‘extra’ child’ you and your partner swore you would never create.

Abortion is out of the question! (don’t go there) so what do you do? You suck it up and be the best parent (or dog owner) you can be!

As parents, your last full-term creation was the best thing that ever happened to you (perhaps). But — can you handle another one? How will you afford all the indulgent things you’ve been itching to buy?

What about your world travels or early retirement — — forget it, bucko!

Same with an inbred mutt from the shelter!

FYI — by now, I’ve probably pissed you off with the insensitivity of my candour OR your chuckling under your breath relating to my every word. — — SMART because that’s what makes a good story and keeps you reading, so I can make an extra three cents on Medium!

THANK YOU…. now, back to the story.

Oh, sure …. go ahead and try to calculate ‘things’. Lay out all the contingency plans you want, but I’m here to tell you that you are not in control — so stop it!

You’ve either knocked her up (or she accidentally forgot to take the pill — wink wink), or you visited the puppy place on a lonely, manic day.

Either way, person up and deal with it. Don’t begrudge people who visit to tinker with your new entity for a few hours, then dash off to their ‘alternate’ life.

“Allah never gives you more than you can handle…..” (someone said)

Getting my very own new puppy is definitely on my to-do before-I-die list. ~ Photo Credit 
Daniel & Ibrahim